This isn’t a fight against the Palestinian people.

This isn’t a fight against the Palestinian people.
Here’s a secret about Israeli society. If there had been ten people murdered and four people kidnapped we would be as horrified and stressed out as we are with 1400 murdered and 245 kidnapped.
Jewish Life Now has put together a list of some of the most reputable and effective charities.
By Cindy Saltzman Today, Dan Markel's former brother-in-law, Charlie Adelson, 47, was found...
normalization w israel
“We are creating timeless pieces that can be passed down from generation to generation.”
Soldier Pvt. Ori Megidish is rescued by IDF
“Look how many I killed with my own hands! Your son killed Jews!”
“They know that bad people are trying to hurt them.”
It’s not about thinking about ways to improve the world or help others. It’s about taking action in the here and now. Helping others is free, but the reward is priceless.
I understood that my life isn’t only my own. I am of my family and I’m of my people and I’m for my family and I’m for my people. So, I better make the most of it.
I came out of my Jewish shell the first time I put on a kippah (yarmulke). It was overwhelming. I was glowing. The cameras began to flash and suddenly I was wishing people all across the world a Shabbat Shalom on Instagram.
“We count our success not in the statements we release, but in the people we help and the antisemites we hold accountable. We model the saying that ‘actions speak louder than words’ every day by upholding our mission statement.”
“They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat!” That may be the underlying theme of all Jewish holidays, which is perhaps why every traditional holiday meal is focused on the pure comfort and pleasure of tucking into a plate full of food prepared with and surrounded by love.
“it’s all about giving viewers a sense of artistic connection to the stories that have brought us to this point in our Jewish evolution,” explains co-founder Neil Friedman.
Dear reader,
I’m trying to reach Kevin Bacon. If any of you know anyone who knows anyone who knows him, would you be so kind as to forward this email to them.
A standing ovation for “Tatami” at the prestigious Venice International Film Festival, and the cat is out of the bag.
It’s my least favorite time of year. I used to adore autumn. The cool crisp air, vibrant colored falling leaves, the anticipation of fall and winter holidays. But now it’s just the time of year when my husband abandons me. It’s NFL football season.
What’s the big deal of a handshake after a Full Nelson, a Real Naked Choke, or a Figure-Four leglock?
by Debra Rich Gettleman If you’re not a scribe but have always wanted to feel more personally...
by Debra Rich Gettleman This past Shabbat, the first one of the 2023 school year at UC Berkeley,...
Is this really about fighting antisemitism? To me, it seems more like a clever business stunt to use negative publicity to increase Adidas’ bottom line. I mean, they say a portion of the proceeds will go towards fighting bigotry, hatred and antisemitism. What portion?
by Debra Rich Gettleman Barbie, created by Ruth Handler, the first woman President of Mattel, (and...
by Debra Rich Gettleman What if there was a drug that could rid the world of hatred and...
But with a jury even remotely believing that a woman is capable of piling pooh next to her lover’s pillow, it’s unlikely they’re going to see her as a credible sane defendant.
By Debra Rich Gettleman When someone says “fashionista,” your first thought probably isn’t...
by Debra Rich Gettleman …you’re a big time Israeli MMA fighter standing up to antisemitism. If you...
by Debra Rich Gettleman If you haven’t broken out of your pandemic isolation mode, you...
When asked for the location of the bomb, the caller leaves the address of a synagogue that is livestreaming its services. Then, callers watch in real time as police interrupt frightened worshipers. They later post clips of the incidents online.
Another poster lashed out about having seen Cooper play the elephant man on Broadway without the use of any prosthetics. “But then he plays a Jew and decides he needs a huge nose?
By Debra Rich Gettleman It was more than exciting that the Makkabi Berlin team, founded by...
Your favorite mute gangster, Hector Salamanca, from “Better Call Saul” passed away in a New York hospital on Thursday. Margolis, a veteran Jewish actor, was best known for his post stroke cartel role in “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul.”
Fast forward to present day Hollywood. Wonder Woman Gal Godot is an Israeli megastar and uber handsome good guy, David Corenswet, will be the first Jewish actor to play Superman in a major motion picture, Superman: Legacy.
Not to diss our religion or anything. But, when I think about beatboxing, scratching, and mic drops, Jews are not the first people who come to mind.
But as today is hip-hop’s 50th anniversary, let’s celebrate the Jews who have had a real impact on the genre.
Liz is genuinely working to help heal and elevate women’s lives from the inside out.