“This industrial robot does a lot of things really well, but I didn’t trust it with my etrog’s pitom!”
Yom Kippur caffeine fix
Cafergot and Migergot, to name a few offer just the right combo of Ergotamine and Caffeine that, when inserted into the…um…backside, work to minimize headache symptoms.
Ditch Tiktok and Do Shabbat Dinner Right
Shabbat, much like yoga or meditation for some, is an act of rebellion against a constantly moving world.
top 10 ways to cure holiday blues
It’s not about thinking about ways to improve the world or help others. It’s about taking action in the here and now. Helping others is free, but the reward is priceless.
Jewish dog creates cultural phenomenon
I came out of my Jewish shell the first time I put on a kippah (yarmulke). It was overwhelming. I was glowing. The cameras began to flash and suddenly I was wishing people all across the world a Shabbat Shalom on Instagram.
“They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat!” That may be the underlying theme of all Jewish holidays, which is perhaps why every traditional holiday meal is focused on the pure comfort and pleasure of tucking into a plate full of food prepared with and surrounded by love.
The Haggadah Collective
Seeking a seder experience that matters. Haggadah Collective weaves tradition with unique elements in adult and children’s versions.
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