“it’s all about giving viewers a sense of artistic connection to the stories that have brought us to this point in our Jewish evolution,” explains co-founder Neil Friedman.

“it’s all about giving viewers a sense of artistic connection to the stories that have brought us to this point in our Jewish evolution,” explains co-founder Neil Friedman.
Dear reader,
I’m trying to reach Kevin Bacon. If any of you know anyone who knows anyone who knows him, would you be so kind as to forward this email to them.
It’s my least favorite time of year. I used to adore autumn. The cool crisp air, vibrant colored falling leaves, the anticipation of fall and winter holidays. But now it’s just the time of year when my husband abandons me. It’s NFL football season.
by Debra Rich Gettleman This past Shabbat, the first one of the 2023 school year at UC Berkeley, proved to be anything but restful for Jewish Fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi). Instead, it offered a glance into antisemitism on campus. At about 1am Saturday morning, a...
Is this really about fighting antisemitism? To me, it seems more like a clever business stunt to use negative publicity to increase Adidas’ bottom line. I mean, they say a portion of the proceeds will go towards fighting bigotry, hatred and antisemitism. What portion?
by Debra Rich Gettleman What if there was a drug that could rid the world of hatred and antisemitism? Would you lobby to make it legal? I certainly would. Well, a guy known as Brendan, a leader of the Midwest faction of Identity Evropa, the infamous white supremacist...
But with a jury even remotely believing that a woman is capable of piling pooh next to her lover’s pillow, it’s unlikely they’re going to see her as a credible sane defendant.
By Debra Rich Gettleman When someone says “fashionista,” your first thought probably isn’t “prostitute.” But thanks to an innovative Israeli NGO, Turning the Tables, a small cadre of Israeli prostitutes in Tel Aviv and Haifa, are finding a way out of the oldest...
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