“I wish that you cared what I had to say. I wish that some knowledge, some context, some understanding, could reach beyond the slogans and chants for my death that you are repeating mindlessly…”

“I wish that you cared what I had to say. I wish that some knowledge, some context, some understanding, could reach beyond the slogans and chants for my death that you are repeating mindlessly…”
“Where are you, President Shafik of Columbia University?” Davidai pleads. “We are waiting for you to eradicate all pro-terror student organizations from campus.”
by Debra Rich Gettleman “Hate never goes away; it just goes underground until it is given a little oxygen.” -- President Joe Biden 78% of Americans 45 and older support the U.S. pro-Israel stance against Hamas. Before you celebrate the fact that the majority of us...
“It was really impactful for me to learn about African American history as well as their experiences in modern society, and to relate that to the Jewish American experience as well.”
Is this really about fighting antisemitism? To me, it seems more like a clever business stunt to use negative publicity to increase Adidas’ bottom line. I mean, they say a portion of the proceeds will go towards fighting bigotry, hatred and antisemitism. What portion?
by Debra Rich Gettleman …you’re a big time Israeli MMA fighter standing up to antisemitism. If you haven't been living under a rock, you’ve heard of Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist and Holocaust denier who hosts the online show “America First.” Fuentes, 24, boasts a...
by Debra Rich Gettleman If you haven’t broken out of your pandemic isolation mode, you might want to rethink your penchant for privacy. A recent study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a peer reviewed journal of the National Academy of...
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