Is this really about fighting antisemitism? To me, it seems more like a clever business stunt to use negative publicity to increase Adidas’ bottom line. I mean, they say a portion of the proceeds will go towards fighting bigotry, hatred and antisemitism. What portion?

Adidas: Fighting antisemitism or prospering because of it?

Barbie’s Fate is not yet Sealed
by Debra Rich Gettleman Barbie, created by Ruth Handler, the first woman President of Mattel, (and Jewish woman to boot,) whose parents barely escaped Poland fleeing from poverty and antisemitism, is considered the most iconic doll of all times. When Handler invented...

Love is the Answer – said no neo-Nazi ever!
by Debra Rich Gettleman What if there was a drug that could rid the world of hatred and antisemitism? Would you lobby to make it legal? I certainly would. Well, a guy known as Brendan, a leader of the Midwest faction of Identity Evropa, the infamous white supremacist...

@LawyerLimor Talks Sense
But with a jury even remotely believing that a woman is capable of piling pooh next to her lover’s pillow, it’s unlikely they’re going to see her as a credible sane defendant.

Use your words instead of your fists. Unless…
by Debra Rich Gettleman …you’re a big time Israeli MMA fighter standing up to antisemitism. If you haven't been living under a rock, you’ve heard of Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist and Holocaust denier who hosts the online show “America First.” Fuentes, 24, boasts a...

Holocaust Loners: The First to Die
by Debra Rich Gettleman If you haven’t broken out of your pandemic isolation mode, you might want to rethink your penchant for privacy. A recent study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a peer reviewed journal of the National Academy of...

Holocaust Survivors’ Team Makkabi Goes Down Fighting
By Debra Rich Gettleman It was more than exciting that the Makkabi Berlin team, founded by Holocaust survivors made history by winning the Berlin Cup and qualifying for the German Cup this year. Makkabi Berlin is the first Jewish club to participate in the tournament...

JEWPERMAN by Debra Rich Gettleman
Fast forward to present day Hollywood. Wonder Woman Gal Godot is an Israeli megastar and uber handsome good guy, David Corenswet, will be the first Jewish actor to play Superman in a major motion picture, Superman: Legacy.

Happy Hip-Hop Day!
Not to diss our religion or anything. But, when I think about beatboxing, scratching, and mic drops, Jews are not the first people who come to mind.
But as today is hip-hop’s 50th anniversary, let’s celebrate the Jews who have had a real impact on the genre.
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