This isn’t a fight against the Palestinian people.

This isn’t a fight against the Palestinian people.
Elie Wiesel said, “Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”
Here’s a secret about Israeli society. If there had been ten people murdered and four people kidnapped we would be as horrified and stressed out as we are with 1400 murdered and 245 kidnapped.
We need a better public relations campaign. One that makes people think differently.
“I wish that you cared what I had to say. I wish that some knowledge, some context, some understanding, could reach beyond the slogans and chants for my death that you are repeating mindlessly…”
Soldier Pvt. Ori Megidish is rescued by IDF
“They know that bad people are trying to hurt them.”
The floodgates of civility have burst open and unleashed a deluge of hatred that is gushing across the globe.
“Where are you, President Shafik of Columbia University?” Davidai pleads. “We are waiting for you to eradicate all pro-terror student organizations from campus.”
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