Soldier Pvt. Ori Megidish is rescued by IDF

Soldier Pvt. Ori Megidish is rescued by IDF
“They know that bad people are trying to hurt them.”
The floodgates of civility have burst open and unleashed a deluge of hatred that is gushing across the globe.
“Where are you, President Shafik of Columbia University?” Davidai pleads. “We are waiting for you to eradicate all pro-terror student organizations from campus.”
by Debra Rich Gettleman “Hate never goes away; it just goes underground until it is given a little oxygen.” -- President Joe Biden 78% of Americans 45 and older support the U.S. pro-Israel stance against Hamas. Before you celebrate the fact that the majority of us...
“We braided this heart shaped challah to express our solidarity and support for those affected by these tragic events in Israel.”
Welcome to adulthood where the council you keep matters and belonging to a hate group speaks volumes about your morals, principals, and character.
Pink, publicly open about her Judaism, became a target for the anti-circumcision movement after she posted a photo of her 2-year-old son at the beach without his diaper in 2019.
By Debra Rich Gettleman You know that hilarious story about the two interns at a Jewish publication struggling with their latest assignment: how to rebrand Zionism as progressive, #girlboss, and Gen Z via Instagram? No? Well, I guess you don’t know about Jewish...
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