Instagram: @lisabahrami
Where you were born and where do you live now, family background?
I was born and raised on Long Island, New York and currently live in Orlando, FL. I have two wonderful sons, both of whom are single.
When and why did you become an activist for Jews and Israel?
I have always been an advocate for Israel but my passion was stirred during a visit to Israel in 2019. As I stood on top of Masada, I was literally overcome with emotion thinking about the history of the Jewish people and what we have endured and overcome. I felt such pride in being Jewish and such love for Israel. I wanted to do something to share my passion and pride and decided to focus on highlighting the bravery and courage of the women of the IDF
What is your biggest concern for the Jewish people and Israel?
I am deeply concerned about the rising tide of anti-Semitism around the world and the efforts to marginalize Jews and del egitimize Israel.

What accomplishment/s or impact are you most proud of regarding your activism?
I have been very gratified by the overwhelming show of support for Israel and the IDF. I’ve tried to humanize the IDF and show the soldiers as human beings who love their country and I think it’s resonated
What is your advice for young people today who are intimated or afraid to get involved or speak out against antisemitism/antizionism?
My advice is to never back down, always be loudly and proudly Jewish. If we don’t stick up for ourselves, no one else will.
What would you like to be your legacy?
My goal in advocating for Israel was to show my pride in being Jewish and my love for Israel. I wanted to show the real Israel, not the Israel portrayed by a biased media.When I started by Instagram page, I said that I would be happy if I could change what people think about Israel, I would be thrilled