By Debra Rich Gettleman
All too often we find ourselves enraged by irresponsible comments from elected officials, religious leaders, and presidents of universities. We rant privately to friends. We write angry letters. We call our representatives and threaten future support. We withhold funds. Because money talks.
But does our fury affect change? Do we alter hearts and minds? Are our efforts to sway the opinions of those who propose moral equivalency arguments about Israel and Hamas changing them or at best, causing them to keep their offensive comments out of the public arena?
The answer is no. We tell the truth. Others lie. They make excuses for the slaughter, rape, and kidnapping of innocent Israeli civilians. They blame Israel for her tactical, surgical, strategic dismantling of Hamas.
We need a better public relations campaign. One that makes people think differently. A campaign that stops ignorance in its tracks and forces the uneducated to rethink their misguided convictions.
Honoring the Misguided
A friend of mine was dismayed upon reading public remarks by the president of his alma mater about the unconscionable Hamas attack on October 7th. The president wrote about the complex history in the region and suggested that both Israel and Hamas were responsible for the current state of affairs.
My friend was livid. For a learning institution that he believed in and financially supported for decades to misrepresent the brutality of Hamas and suggest moral equivalency with respect to Israel’s self-defense was simply unacceptable.
He visited the Friends of the IDF website and made a generous donation in honor of said president. The Tribute e-card was immediately emailed and a rather awkward thank you note arrived in my pal’s email. The email suggested that the president was grateful for his donation and added that it is certainly a shame when rhetoric is taken out of context.
Clearly there was no misunderstanding in the content of the rhetoric. And I am not naïve enough to suggest that my friend’s clever action will shift this university head’s mindset. However, by choosing this elegant proactive response, I am willing to bet that this academic leader will not be making these kinds of irresponsible public statements moving forward. Plus, he is using his ear-marked donation dollars, previously funneled to the University, to support the IDF and the values of truth, integrity, and moral clarity.
Imagine what we could do if everyone of us followed suit. Let’s do it
Let’s Honor…
Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, President Obama, Susan Sarandon, Selena Gomez, Bella Hadid, Gigi Hadid, Mark Ruffalo, Claudine Gay, Kanye West, Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, Mia Khalifa…
Please add your honoree to the list in the comments and go ahead and donate to the IDF here.