Dear Students

Dear Students

“I wish that you cared what I had to say. I wish that some knowledge, some context, some understanding, could reach beyond the slogans and chants for my death that you are repeating mindlessly…”

Bring Them Home

It’s hard to trust anyone these days. Especially when friends, neighbors, and co-workers are noticeably silent when the Israeli war topic pops up.

Where are the facts?

Where are the facts?

The floodgates of civility have burst open and unleashed a deluge of hatred that is gushing across the globe.

And we’re paying for this?

And we’re paying for this?

“Where are you, President Shafik of Columbia University?” Davidai pleads. “We are waiting for you to eradicate all pro-terror student organizations from campus.”

Speak your truth about Israel

Speak your truth about Israel

by Debra Rich Gettleman “Hate never goes away; it just goes underground until it is given a little...

Baking Love to Israel

Baking Love to Israel

“We braided this heart shaped challah to express our solidarity and support for those affected by these tragic events in Israel.”

The $75,000 Lulav controversy

The $75,000 Lulav controversy

“This industrial robot does a lot of things really well, but I didn’t trust it with my etrog’s pitom!”

Foreskin Frenzy

Foreskin Frenzy

Pink, publicly open about her Judaism, became a target for the anti-circumcision movement after she posted a photo of her 2-year-old son at the beach without his diaper in 2019.



By Debra Rich Gettleman You know that hilarious story about the two interns at a Jewish...

Yom Kippur caffeine fix

Yom Kippur caffeine fix

Cafergot and  Migergot, to name a few offer just the right combo of Ergotamine and Caffeine that, when inserted into the…um…backside, work to minimize headache symptoms.

Smart Cookies

Smart Cookies

“The Sunflower experience is transformational,” she beams, “Students come in and they don’t leave as the same people. The growth, self-confidence, and self-esteem are life changing.”



The Philadelphia Medical Examiner’s Officer, at the insistence of the Philadelphia Police, “suspiciously reversed itself” regarding the cause weeks after Ellen’s death was ruled a homicide.