“They know that bad people are trying to hurt them.”

Where are the facts?
The floodgates of civility have burst open and unleashed a deluge of hatred that is gushing across the globe.

Fighting for Israel: Literally!
Mayweather is as strong in his convictions as he was between the ropes.

Speak your truth about Israel
by Debra Rich Gettleman “Hate never goes away; it just goes underground until it is given a little oxygen.” -- President Joe Biden 78% of Americans 45 and older support the U.S. pro-Israel stance against Hamas. Before you celebrate the fact that the majority of us...

Baking Love to Israel
“We braided this heart shaped challah to express our solidarity and support for those affected by these tragic events in Israel.”

Hey Harvard, Don’t hide behind some lofty Ivory Tower!
Welcome to adulthood where the council you keep matters and belonging to a hate group speaks volumes about your morals, principals, and character.

The $75,000 Lulav controversy
“This industrial robot does a lot of things really well, but I didn’t trust it with my etrog’s pitom!”

Dianne Feinstein, long-serving Jewish senator from California, dies at 90
Feinstein announced the murders while her hands were still stained with Milk’s blood. She soon stepped in to replace Moscone, serving two terms as mayor.

The Philadelphia Medical Examiner’s Officer, at the insistence of the Philadelphia Police, “suspiciously reversed itself” regarding the cause weeks after Ellen’s death was ruled a homicide.

StopAntisemitism Isn’t Giving Up. Neither Should You.
“We count our success not in the statements we release, but in the people we help and the antisemites we hold accountable. We model the saying that ‘actions speak louder than words’ every day by upholding our mission statement.”
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