By Cindy Saltzman The first time I met Adele Raemer was during a Zoom interview. She wore a T-shirt with Hebrew letters on it that I couldn’t quite make out. When asked what it said, she replied, “Oh, I had the other one on before. I’m bilingual.” She pulled up a...
Trauma is real: Pay attention to the signs
“Listen to your kids,” Dr. Rich advises. “Ask them what questions they have and reassure them that they are safe and will continue to be safe.
Empathy in Action: How best to support Israel now
Jewish Life Now has put together a list of some of the most reputable and effective charities.
The Best Response to campus Idiocy!
We need a better public relations campaign. One that makes people think differently.
Dear Students
“I wish that you cared what I had to say. I wish that some knowledge, some context, some understanding, could reach beyond the slogans and chants for my death that you are repeating mindlessly…”
Bring Them Home
It’s hard to trust anyone these days. Especially when friends, neighbors, and co-workers are noticeably silent when the Israeli war topic pops up.
Finally, justice is served for murder victim Dan Markel
By Cindy Saltzman Today, Dan Markel's former brother-in-law, Charlie Adelson, 47, was found guilty of first-degree murder, conspiracy and solicitation in Dan Markel's murder which took place on July 18, 2014. Professor Markel, who was considered a great legal...
Normalization still possible?
normalization w israel
Welcome Home, Ori!
Soldier Pvt. Ori Megidish is rescued by IDF
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