Shabbat, much like yoga or meditation for some, is an act of rebellion against a constantly moving world.

Shabbat, much like yoga or meditation for some, is an act of rebellion against a constantly moving world.
“The Sunflower experience is transformational,” she beams, “Students come in and they don’t leave as the same people. The growth, self-confidence, and self-esteem are life changing.”
Menopause is spoken about in whispers. But Power is lifting her voice to shake off that stigma.
It’s not about thinking about ways to improve the world or help others. It’s about taking action in the here and now. Helping others is free, but the reward is priceless.
I came out of my Jewish shell the first time I put on a kippah (yarmulke). It was overwhelming. I was glowing. The cameras began to flash and suddenly I was wishing people all across the world a Shabbat Shalom on Instagram.
“They tried to kill us, we survived, let’s eat!” That may be the underlying theme of all Jewish holidays, which is perhaps why every traditional holiday meal is focused on the pure comfort and pleasure of tucking into a plate full of food prepared with and surrounded by love.
by Debra Rich Gettleman If you haven’t broken out of your pandemic isolation mode, you might want to rethink your penchant for privacy. A recent study in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), a peer reviewed journal of the National Academy of...
Liz is genuinely working to help heal and elevate women’s lives from the inside out.
There are many ways to bake challah and Mandy Silverman offers no less than 370 varieties.
Brooke Burke is living proof that you can grow wiser and more self-assured while remaining healthy, vibrant and youthful through total body wellness, both inside and out.
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